Cancel Product Group Bars Beams Channel Flat Rolled Rebar Tested Pipe Tube Material Type (Bars) Angle Cold Rolled Rounds Cold Rolled Squares Flat Hot Rolled Rounds Hot Rolled Squares Strip Bar Material Type (Beams) I-Beam Wide Flange Beam Material Type (Channel) Bar Channel Miscellaneous Structural Material Type (Flat Rolled) Floor Plate Hot Rolled Sheets Mill Plate Strip Mill Plate Material Type (Tested Pipe) Galvanized Threaded and Coupled Plain End Threaded and Coupled Material Type (Tube) Rectangular Tubing Round Tubing Square Tubing Long Leg - Angle clear 0.5" 0.75" 1.0" 1.25" 1.5" 1.75" Short Leg - Angle clear 0.5" 0.75" 1.0" 1.25" 1.5" 1.75" Thickness - Angle clear 0.12" 0.125" 0.188" 0.25" 0.313" 0.375" Diameter - Cold Rolled Rounds clear 0.125" 0.188" 0.25" 0.313" 0.375" 0.473" 0.5" 0.625" 0.75" 0.788" 0.875" 0.938" 0.984" 0.995" 1.0" 1.125" 1.188" 1.25" 1.375" 1.438" 1.498" 1.5" 1.625" 1.688" 1.75" 1.813" 1.875" 1.938" 2.0" 2.188" 2.25" 2.438" 2.5" 3.0" 3.438" 3.5" 3.75" 3.938" 4.0" 4.5" 5.0" 6.0" Diameter - Cold Rolled Squares clear 0.438" 1.375" 1.75" 4.5" 5.0" Thickness - Flat clear 0.25" 0.313" 0.375" 0.5" 0.625" 0.75" 1.0" 1.25" 1.5" 1.625" 1.75" 2.0" 2.5" 3.5" Width - Flat clear 0.375" 0.5" 0.75" 1.0" 1.25" 1.5" 1.75" 2.0" 2.25" 2.5" 2.75" 3.0" 3.5" 4.0" 4.5" 5.0" 5.5" 6.0" 6.5" 7.0" 7.5" 8.0" 9.0" 10.0" 11.0" 12.0" 14.0" 18.0" Diameter - Hot Rolled Rounds clear 0.25" 0.313" 0.375" 0.438" 0.5" 0.563" 0.625" 0.75" 0.875" 1.0" 1.125" 1.181" 1.25" 1.375" 1.5" 1.75" 2.0" 2.25" 2.5" 2.625" 2.75" 3.0" 3.5" 4.0" 5.0" 5.512" 5.75" 6.0" Diameter - Hot Rolled Squares clear 0.25" 0.375" 0.5" 0.625" 0.75" 0.875" 1.0" 1.25" 1.5" 1.75" 2.0" 3.0" Thickness - Strip Bar clear 0.125" 0.188" Width - Strip Bar clear 0.5" 0.75" 0.875" 1.0" 1.25" 1.5" 1.75" 2.0" 2.25" 2.5" 3.0" 3.5" 4.0" 4.5" 5.0" 6.0" 7.0" 8.0" 10.0" 12.0" Web In: I-Beam clear 3.0" 4.0" 5.0" 6.0" 8.0" 10.0" 12.0" 14.0" 15.0" 18.0" 20.0" 24.0" Section: I-Beam clear 5.0" 5.7" 5.9" 7.5" 7.7" 9.5" 10.0" 12.5" 17.25" 18.4" 23.0" 25.4" 31.8" 35.0" 40.8" 42.9" 50.0" Show in-stock only Show in-stock only Download Inventory Report View Inventory Inventory Cancel Product Group Bars Beams Channel Flat Rolled Rebar Tested Pipe Tube Material Type (Bars) Angle Cold Rolled Rounds Cold Rolled Squares Flat Hot Rolled Rounds Hot Rolled Squares Strip Bar Material Type (Beams) I-Beam Wide Flange Beam Material Type (Channel) Bar Channel Miscellaneous Structural Material Type (Flat Rolled) Floor Plate Hot Rolled Sheets Mill Plate Strip Mill Plate Material Type (Tested Pipe) Galvanized Threaded and Coupled Plain End Threaded and Coupled Material Type (Tube) Rectangular Tubing Round Tubing Square Tubing Long Leg – Angle clear 0.5" 0.75" 1.0" 1.25" 1.5" 1.75" Short Leg – Angle clear 0.5" 0.75" 1.0" 1.25" 1.5" 1.75" Thickness – Angle clear 0.12" 0.125" 0.188" 0.25" 0.313" 0.375" Diameter – Cold Rolled Rounds clear 0.125" 0.188" 0.25" 0.313" 0.375" 0.473" 0.5" 0.625" 0.75" 0.788" 0.875" 0.938" 0.984" 0.995" 1.0" 1.125" 1.188" 1.25" 1.375" 1.438" 1.498" 1.5" 1.625" 1.688" 1.75" 1.813" 1.875" 1.938" 2.0" 2.188" 2.25" 2.438" 2.5" 3.0" 3.438" 3.5" 3.75" 3.938" 4.0" 4.5" 5.0" 6.0" Diameter – Cold Rolled Squares clear 0.438" 1.375" 1.75" 4.5" 5.0" Thickness – Flat clear 0.25" 0.313" 0.375" 0.5" 0.625" 0.75" 1.0" 1.25" 1.5" 1.625" 1.75" 2.0" 2.5" 3.5" Width – Flat clear 0.375" 0.5" 0.75" 1.0" 1.25" 1.5" 1.75" 2.0" 2.25" 2.5" 2.75" 3.0" 3.5" 4.0" 4.5" 5.0" 5.5" 6.0" 6.5" 7.0" 7.5" 8.0" 9.0" 10.0" 11.0" 12.0" 14.0" 18.0" Diameter – Hot Rolled Rounds clear 0.25" 0.313" 0.375" 0.438" 0.5" 0.563" 0.625" 0.75" 0.875" 1.0" 1.125" 1.181" 1.25" 1.375" 1.5" 1.75" 2.0" 2.25" 2.5" 2.625" 2.75" 3.0" 3.5" 4.0" 5.0" 5.512" 5.75" 6.0" Diameter – Hot Rolled Squares clear 0.25" 0.375" 0.5" 0.625" 0.75" 0.875" 1.0" 1.25" 1.5" 1.75" 2.0" 3.0" Thickness – Strip Bar clear 0.125" 0.188" Width – Strip Bar clear 0.5" 0.75" 0.875" 1.0" 1.25" 1.5" 1.75" 2.0" 2.25" 2.5" 3.0" 3.5" 4.0" 4.5" 5.0" 6.0" 7.0" 8.0" 10.0" 12.0" Web In: I-Beam clear 3.0" 4.0" 5.0" 6.0" 8.0" 10.0" 12.0" 14.0" 15.0" 18.0" 20.0" 24.0" Section: I-Beam clear 5.0" 5.7" 5.9" 7.5" 7.7" 9.5" 10.0" 12.5" 17.25" 18.4" 23.0" 25.4" 31.8" 35.0" 40.8" 42.9" 50.0" Show in-stock only Show in-stock only Download Inventory Report View Inventory Inventory